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GRFC Database 2016-2024

Acute Food Insecurity data from 2016 to 2024

The Global Report on Food Crises (GRFC) provides an overview of the world’s food-crisis countries for which external humanitarian assistance is necessary. Data are available from 2016 to 2024 as in the latest GRFC edition. Data in the various GRFC editions refer more specifically to a subset of the world's identified food crises for which data was available and meeting the GRFC partnership consensus.

The GRFC aims at responding to conflicting information derived from different sources and based on different methodologies that lack a consensus-based standard by providing information based on a rigorous methodology and a highly consultative process.

Numbers of people and share of analysed population in GRFC countries/territories facing high levels of acute food insecurity 2016-2023.

In the graph, the orange bars show that the numbers of people facing these conditions have been increasing every year since 2019. The graph also shows that the total population analysed has increased each year since 2020. It shows that the share of the analysed population facing high levels of acute food insecurity increased sharply from 14 percent in 2018 to more than 20 percent each year since 2020, reaching an eight-year high in 2022 (23 percent).

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GRFC Database 2016-2024
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GRFC 2024 Technical Notes

The GRFC follows a specific process to identify countries and populations within a country for inclusion in the report, to identify which faced food crises and which are major food crises.

Pre-selection of qualifying Countries/Territories

Countries/Territories that requested external assistance for food and/or faced shocks as assessed by FAO-GIEWS:

Low - or middle - income Countries/Territories were not selected for analysis by FAO-GIEWS, but requested external assistance to FAO/WFP/UNHCR.

Selection and grouping of Countries/Territories

Countries/Territories data availability is evaluated byt he GRFC partners and included if meeting the GRFC requirements (see Technical Notes).

Countries/Territories are identified as data gaps or not meeting GRFC partnership consensus.

Regional grouping of Countries/Territories varies year by year.

Identification of major food crises

Countries/territories are identified as major food crises based on:

  • at least 1 million people or 20 % of the country population in Crisis or worse (IPC/CH Phase 3 or above) or equivalent.
  • any area in Emergency (IPC/CH Phase 4) or above
  • included in the IASC humanitarian systemwide emergency response level 3